Provides a request-response API for local web-socket clients to interact with MyID components.
To use this API, the following are required:
Some Applets require additional components be installed:
Workflow invocation requires the installation and configuration of additional MyID client(s), depending on your use-case:
node, add the following according to the client you are configuring, replacing the value (default path shown in examples) with the path to the client's installation directory:
<add key="DskPath" value="C:\Program Files (x86)\Intercede\MyIDDesktop">
<add key="SsaPath" value="C:\Program Files (x86)\Intercede\MyIDApp\Self Service Application">
MCS hosts a local web-socket server to provide the API. By default, this is available at ws://localhost:8081
- if you have configured MyID/MCS to use a different port, substitute 8081
for your configured port number.
Basic WebSocket Example
// Request to call GetVersion const request = { Type: "Configuration", Method: "GetVersion", ID: "Example" } // Connect to MCS const socket = new WebSocket("ws://localhost:8081"); // Send message to MCS when web-socket connects socket.onopen = function(e) { socket.send(JSON.stringify(request)); } // Handle response in `onmessage` event socket.onmessage = function(event) { const response = JSON.parse(event.Data); if(response.ID == "Example") { // ID matches request; expected response. if(response.Success) { alert(`MCS is version: {response.Version}`); } else { alert("GetVersion call failed"); } } else { // ID doesn't match request; not the response we want. } }
MCS only allows API connections from the local machine.
MCS will, by default, reject API connections where the Origin
header is unrecognised. To use the API, the origin of your caller must be added to the AccessControlAllowOrigin
configuration or DisableAccessControl
must be set to true
is set to true
, MCS will accept API connections from any origin.MCS can only service a single request at a time
Requests are made by providing a 'header' containing a Type
and Method
to invoke, an optional ID
, and an array of arguments (Args
) where the method being called demands it.
is provided in the request header, MCS includes it in the response - this can make it simpler to pair API responses to their corresponding requests. MCS does not perform any 'uniqueness' checks on IDs, simply echoing the provided value in the response.Example request without arguments or ID. The response will not include an ID.
"Type": "SomeType",
"Method": "SomeMethod"
Example request with ID, and without arguments. "
" will be the ID of the response.
"Type": "SomeType",
"ID": "SomeIdValue",
"Method": "SomeMethod"
Example request with arguments, and without ID. The response will not include an ID.
"Type": "SomeType",
"Method": "SomeMethod",
"SomeArg": "SomeArgValue",
"SomeOtherArg": "SomeOtherArgValue"
Example request with arguments and ID. "
" will be the ID of the response.
"Type": "SomeType",
"Method": "SomeMethod",
"ID": "SomeIdValue",
"SomeArg": "SomeArgValue",
"SomeOtherArg": "SomeOtherArgValue"
MCS provides GUI applets to perform the following functions:
Presents the operator with a device-picker, and returns the details of the selected security device.
Type | Method |
Applet | SelectCard |
Example Input
"Type": "Applet",
"Method": "SelectCard"
Name | Type | Description | Returned values |
Success | bool | Success state | true /false |
SerialNumber | string | Device serial | The device's serial number or null if no selection |
DeviceTypeName | string | Device type | The type of the device, or null if no selection |
ChipType | string | Chip type | The device's reported chip-type, or null if not reported or no selection. |
DeviceVersion | string | Applet version | The device's reported version, or null if not reported or no selection. |
Example Output
"Success": true,
"SerialNumber": "OBERTHUR0123456789",
"DeviceTypeName": "Oberthur ID-One PIV",
"ChipType": "Oberthur ID-One PIV",
"DeviceVersion": "02.34"
Presents the operator with a device-picker, then allows the operator to login to MyID with the selected device and return the session GUID.
Type | Method |
Applet | LoginWithCard |
Example input
"Type": "Applet",
"Method": "LoginWithCard"
Name | Type | Description | Returned values |
Success | bool | Success state | true /false |
SessionGuid | string | The GUID associated with the logon session | A session GUID if logon succeeded, else null |
Example output
"Success": true,
"SessionGuid": "-7850638,6EDEA9BC-BBAB-4E6C-9850-6035CA300BD2"
Presents the operator with a fingerprint capture dialog containing a list of fingers to be captured, and immediately starts scanning for the first impression. The captured prints are returned to the caller in INCITS-378 format as part of a JSON block that includes additional metadata and is formatted for the MyID Core API.
❗ Note: as per the pre-requisites, this applet requires additional components corresponding to your fingerprint capture device-type be installed.
There are two different modes for the CaptureFingerprints API:
Type | Method |
Applet | CaptureFingerprints |
Name | Type | Description | Allowed values |
FingersToCapture | string | Fingers to be captured | Semi-colon delimited string of Finger IDs (case-insensitive) for specific-finger capture OR " ANY " (case-insensitive) for unspecified single-finger capture. |
CaptureDeviceType | string | Fingerprint capture device-type | One of the supported fingerprint capture device-types (case-insensitive). |
Value | Description |
LT |
Left thumb |
LI |
Left index-finger |
LM |
Left middle-finger |
LR |
Left ring-finger |
LL |
Left little-finger |
RT |
Right thumb |
RI |
Right index-finger |
RM |
Right middle-finger |
RR |
Right ring-finger |
RL |
Right little-finger |
Value | Description |
Secugen |
Capture using a Secugen fingerprint reader |
UareU |
Capture using a UareU fingerprint reader |
Example specific-finger capture input
"Type": "Applet",
"Method": "CaptureFingerprints",
"FingersToCapture": "RT;RI",
"CaptureDeviceType": "Secugen"
Example unspecified single-finger capture input
"Type": "Applet",
"Method": "CaptureFingerprints",
"FingersToCapture": "ANY",
"CaptureDeviceType": "Secugen"
Name | Type | Description | Returned values |
Success | bool | Success state | true /false |
fingers | JSON | Captured fingerprints | INCITS 378 minutia in MyID Core API JSON format, or null if nothing captured |
Example specific-finger capture output
"Success": true,
"fingers": {
"rt": {
"bioDeviceId": "{C4723C9E-828F-497F-AD2E-D15EFA17B971}",
"minutia": {
"format": "378",
"data": "<INCITS 378 Data>"
"quality": "97",
"status": "P"
"ri": {
"bioDeviceId": "{C4723C9E-828F-497F-AD2E-D15EFA17B971}",
"minutia": {
"format": "378",
"data": "<INCITS 378 Data>"
"quality": "96",
"status": "P"
Example unspecified single-finger capture output
"Success": true,
"fingers": {
"any": {
"bioDeviceId": "{C4723C9E-828F-497F-AD2E-D15EFA17B971}",
"minutia": {
"format": "378",
"data": "<INCITS 378 Data>"
"quality": "97",
"status": "P"
Presents the user with the MyID Image Capture (MIC) tool, which utilises Aware PreFace to capture facial biometrics according to pre-defined compliance profiles. In addition to the INCITS-385 biometric data, MIC also provides the captured image as a standard JPEG for use in more conventional scenarios (e.g. displaying in a browser, or printing onto a smartcard).
❗ Note: as per the pre-requisites, this applet requires that the separate Aware PreFace components be installed.
Type | Method |
Applet | CaptureFacialBioWithMic |
Name | Type | Description | Allowed values |
MustConformToProfile | bool | Are non-compliant images allowed | true /false |
MaxOptimisationPasses | int | Maximum attempts to make image conform to profile | >=1, 3 recommended |
HairColour | int | Hair colour to be included in bio data | INCITS-385-2004 hair colour |
EyeColour | int | Eye colour to be included in bio data | INCITS-385-2004 eye colour |
Gender | int | Gender to be included in bio data | INCITS-385-2004 gender |
Profiles | string | Compliance profiles | Aware PreFace profile XML in MyID JSON structure, encoded as Base64 string |
These values correspond to those in the ANSI INCITS 385-2004 standard.
Value | Description |
0 |
Unspecified |
1 |
Bald |
2 |
Black |
3 |
Blonde |
4 |
Brown |
5 |
Gray |
6 |
Red |
16 |
Blue |
19 |
Sandy |
20 |
Auburn |
21 |
White |
22 |
Strawberry |
32 |
Green |
48 |
Orange |
64 |
Pink |
255 |
Unknown or Other |
These values correspond to those in the ANSI INCITS 385-2004 standard.
Value | Description |
0 |
Unspecified |
1 |
Blue |
2 |
Brown |
3 |
Green |
16 |
Multi-coloured |
18 |
Hazel |
32 |
Pink |
34 |
Maroon |
255 |
Unknown or Other |
These values correspond to those in the ANSI INCITS 385-2004 standard.
Value | Description |
0 |
Unspecified |
1 |
Male |
2 |
Female |
3 |
Unknown |
MyID provides a default PIV Card Profile as part of installation, which can be found in <MyIDServerInstallPath>\rest.core\awareProfiles\core\AwareProfiles.json
Example input
"Type": "Applet",
"Method": "CaptureFacialBioWithMic",
"Args" :
"MustConformToProfile": true,
"MaxOptimisationPasses": 3,
"HairColour": 1,
"EyeColour": 2,
"Gender": 1,
"Profiles": "Base64 Profile Data"
Name | Type | Description | Returned values |
Success | bool | Success state | true /false |
facial | JSON | Captured facial data | INCITS 385 minutia and standard JPEG in MyID Core API JSON format |
Error | string | An optional error-message | Provided when process fails with an error, otherwise null . |
Example output
"Success": true,
"facial": {
"template": {
"format": "385",
"data": "<INCITS 385 Data>"
"photo": {
"mimetype": "image/jpeg",
"data": "<Base64 JPEG>"
"bioDeviceId": "{DF6544E8-5F02-45c6-A599-C24BE4BC5A69}",
"profile": "FIPS PIV Card",
"compliant": true
"Error": null
Presents the operator with MyID Document Scanner (MDS), which can be used to scan documents using scanners supporting either the TWAIN or WIA interfaces. Where a scanner can only perform a single-page scan, multiple scans can be performed to capture additional pages. Basic control of the scanner is provided through the MDS UI when using TWAIN, and, where supported, the manufacturer's driver UI can be invoked when scanning. When using WIA, the standard Windows UI is used for scanning.
Scanned documents are returned as a single JPEG; where multiple pages have been captured they are arranged in a grid and combined into a single image.
❗ Note: as-per the pre-requisites, this applet requires the separate TWAIN component be installed to support scanners on the TWAIN interface. WIA can, where supported by the scanner, be used without additional components.
Type | Method |
Applet | ScanDocument |
Example input
"Type": "Applet",
"Method": "ScanDocument"
Name | Type | Description | Returned values |
Success | bool | Success state | true /false |
Document | string | The captured document | A base64-encoded JPEG of all captured pages, or null if nothing captured. |
Example output
"Success": true,
"Document": "<Base64 JPEG>"
Presents the operator with the MyID Image Editor (MIE), which can be used to perform simple image editing. Primarily a cropping tool, MIE can also be used to adjust brightness, contrast, and rotation of a supplied image.
❗ Note: Images are returned as JPEG regardless of their input type.
Type | Method |
Applet | ModifyImage |
Name | Type | Description | Allowed values |
Base64Image | string | Input image | Base64-encoded BMG, GIF, JPEG, or PNG |
Rotation | int | Initial image rotation | 0 , 90 , 180 , 270 |
MaxHeight | int | Maximum height of output | >=1 to restrict height of output, otherwise 0 |
MaxWidth | int | Maximum width of output | >=1 to restrict width of output, otherwise 0 |
ValidateSize | bool | Whether to enforce MaxHeight and MaxWidth | true /false |
CropHeight | int | Fixed crop-height | >=1 to set the height of the output, 0 otherwise |
CropWidth | int | Fixed crop-width | >=1 to set the width of the output, 0 otherwise |
AspectRatio | string | Aspect ratio to enforce on cropped area | X:Y where X and Y are horizontal and vertical dimensions respectively |
JPEGCompressionRatio | int | The quality to use when rendering the JPEG | 1 -100 , where 100 provides the highest quality result. |
The following describes the behaviour when the different crop options are provided:
MaxHeight | MaxWidth | ValidateSize | CropHeight | CropWidth | AspectRatio | Result |
✔️ or ❌ | ✔️ or ❌ | ✔️ or ❌ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ or ❌ | A fixed-size crop, as CropHeight & CropWidth are set and can't be reconciled with the other settings. |
✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ❌ | ❌ | ❌ | A free-selection crop whose output will have max height/width applied. |
✔️ or ❌ | ✔️ or ❌ | ❌ | ❌ | ❌ | ❌ | A free-selection crop whose output can be any size. |
✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ | ❌ | ❌ | ✔️ | A fixed aspect-ratio crop whose output will have max height/width applied. |
✔️ or ❌ | ✔️ or ❌ | ❌ | ❌ | ❌ | ✔️ | A fixed aspect-ratio crop whose output can be any size. |
Example input
"Type": "Applet",
"Method": "ModifyImage",
"Args" :
"Base64Image": "<Base64 Image>",
"Rotation": 90,
"MaxHeight": 600,
"MaxWidth": 400,
"ValidateSize": true,
"CropHeight": 0,
"CropWidth": 0,
"AspectRatio": "2:3",
"JPEGCompressionRatio": 1
Name | Type | Description | Returned values |
Success | bool | Success state | true /false |
Base64Image | string | Edited image | Base64-encoded JPEG if an image was returned, null otherwise |
Height | int | The height of the edited image | >0 if an image was returned, 0 otherwise |
Width | int | The width of the edited image | >0 if an image was returned, 0 otherwise |
MimeType | string | The mime-type of the edited image | image/jpeg if an image was returned, null otherwise |
Example output
"Success": true,
"Base64Image": "<Base64 Image>",
"Height": 300,
"Width": 200,
"MimeType": "image/jpeg"
MCS allows a caller to invoke MyID workflows in external clients via the web-socket API:
Uses an OAuth token to initialise a workflow in an external client, returning the result on completion. Initial authentication to MyID is provided via the token, which also contains metadata about the workflow to be started.
❗ Note: as-per the pre-requisites, this applet requires the separate MyID Desktop and/or the MyID Self-Service Application be installed.
ID | Name | Supported Server | Supported DSK | Supported SSA |
270 | Reprovision Card | 12.3.0+ | 3.12.1000.1+ | N/A |
296 | Erase Card | 12.3.0+ | 3.12.1000.1+ | N/A |
297 | Reset Card PIN | 12.3.0+ | 3.12.1000.1+ | N/A |
5000 | Unlock Credential | 12.3.0+ | 3.12.1000.1+ | N/A |
5002 | Collect Card | 12.3.0+ | 3.12.1000.1+ | N/A |
5007 | Assisted Activation | 12.3.0+ | 3.12.1000.1+ | N/A |
216 | Collect My Card | 12.3.0+ | N/A | 3.12.1000.1+ |
242 | Collect My Updated | 12.3.0+ | N/A | 3.12.1000.1+ |
Type | Method |
Workflow | StartWithToken |
Name | Type | Description | Allowed values |
Token | string | OAuth token to start workflow with | A valid authentication token. For more information on how to acquire a token, see the Obtaining an operation extension token section of the MyID documentation. |
ClientData | string | The client to be used to complete the workflow | "DSK " OR "SSA " to use a specific client, or, optionally, where an operation is supported by both DSK and SSA, a comma-separated list indicating a preference-order for the client to use; for example "DSK,SSA " would cause MCS to first attempt the operation with DSK, and, if it isn't installed, to then attempt the operation with SSA. Case-insensitive. |
OpId | string | The operation ID of the workflow to be invoked. See: Supported Operations. | The operation ID corresponding to the token. |
Example input (specific client; in this case, DSK)
"Type": "Workflow",
"Method": "StartWithToken",
"Args" :
"Token": "token",
"ClientData": "DSK",
"OpId": "123"
Example input (prefer DSK, but allow SSA if DSK is not available)
"Type": "Workflow",
"Method": "StartWithToken",
"Args" :
"Token": "token",
"ClientData": "DSK,SSA",
"OpId": "123"
Name | Type | Description | Returned values |
Success | bool | Success state | true /false |
ErrorCode | string | Reason for success state | Workflow result-code |
ExtendedErrorCode | string | The external client error-code | Any error-code returned by DSK/SSA when a workflow fails, otherwise null |
Message | string | A translated error-message | Any error-message returned by DSK/SSA when a workflow fails, otherwise null |
Value | Description |
Success |
The workflow completed successfully |
Aborted |
The workflow was aborted |
NotInstalled |
A valid DSK/SSA installation was not found |
FailedToConnect |
Unable to connect to the DSK/SSA process |
Busy |
The DSK/SSA process is already servicing a request |
FailedWithError |
The workflow failed, and DSK/SSA returned an error. Details in ExtendedErrorCode and Message . |
FailedWithoutError |
The workflow failed, but DSK/SSA did not return an error |
FailedWithException |
The workflow failed due to a code-exception. Details in ExtendedErrorCode and Message . |
InvalidClientData |
The ClientData argument could not be parsed |
Example success output
"Success": true,
"ErrorCode": "Success",
"ExtendedErrorCode": null,
"Message": null
Example failure output
"Success": false,
"ErrorCode": "FailedWithError",
"ExtendedErrorCode": "123",
"Message": "Example error-message"
MCS allows a caller to set configuration options and get client information via its web-socket API:
Used to retrieve the MCS product-version so clients can determine the API level.
Type | Method |
Configuration | GetVersion |
Example input
"Type": "Configuration",
"Method": "GetVersion"
Name | Type | Description | Returned values |
Success | bool | Success state | true /false |
Version | string | MCS version | MCS version string, e.g. MCS-1.6.1000.1 |
Example output
"Version": "MCS-1.6.1000.1",
"Success": true
Allows a caller to specify a language to be used. This will apply to GUI applets and external clients (e.g. MyID Desktop) when they are invoked by MCS. If the requested language is already in use then this call has no effect.
❗ Note: This call causes MCS to request the translations for the specified language from the MyID server, but if the requested language is not installed then MyID will fall-back to the default language.
❗ Note: Language changes will not immediately be reflected in any already-open GUIs, but rather the next time the GUI is opened; for example, if a device-picker is on-screen then the language it uses will not immediately change, but the next time it is opened it will reflect the new language.
Type | Method |
Configuration | SetLanguage |
Name | Type | Description | Allowed values |
Language | string | The requested language | IETF language tag, e.g. en-US , en-GB , etc (case-insensitive). |
Example input
"Type": "Configuration",
"Method": "SetLanguage",
"Language": "en-GB"
Name | Type | Description | Returned values |
Success | bool | Success state | true /false |
Example output
"Success": true